PET PEEVE- stinky dishcloths!

There have been times in the recent past while grabbing for the dishcloth I was horrified to find that I was wiping the counter with something akin to a”stinky butt work sock”. Hoping to always avoid this unpleasantness I have employed these techniques: washing the cloth daily (er, maybe every other day) bleaching the cloth regularly (Continue reading “PET PEEVE- stinky dishcloths!”

a crafty life…

I love craft fairs. Ever since my mother brought home a melted LP festooned with plastic flowers and sprayed with gold paint, I have been awestruck by the wonder of it all. So many people gathered in one place to hawk their creations of love. For me, I  love the old school grammas who knitContinue reading “a crafty life…”